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Greek alphabet in pixelated design, 2018. Oil on methacrylate, 124 x 113 cm.

Amazonomachy 1.1

Amazonomachy 1.2

Amazonomachy 1.3


The metopes on the west face of the Parthenon in Athens show the Hellenic victories over the Amazon tribes. This Amazonomachy represents the opposition between order and chaos, which for the Greeks was synthesized in the confrontation between civilization and barbarism, and even between East and West.

One of the elements that best embodied this opposition was the Amazonian woman. She subverted the order of Hellenic civilization, questioning traditional values that pointed to the superiority of the Hellenic system and that of the male gender. As a way of preserving this superiority, the struggle with the Amazons was relegated to the universe of myth. By depriving them of historical recognition, they were denied legitimacy and were subjected to a sexist reading of history, thus reinforcing a prejudice that has endured to the present day.

Amazonomaquia is a project of Clara Carvajal that promotes the reclassification of the myth of the Amazons in its historical reality.

The project presents two series of reproductions of the metopes, intervened by means of text and image, to adapt them to the historical evidence. A video on the new Amazons shows the current survival of territories forbidden to women. The text of the work Penthesilea, by the German romantic writer Heinrich von Kleist, accompanies the images in the video.

Contrary to tradition, Penthesileia is for H. von Kleist a warrior queen who savagely kills Achilles in the battle of Troy to gain independence for her people.

Armed with their natural abilities, equipped with their education and supported by mutual recognition, they stand up violently to existing prejudices, demanding, rather than claiming, their position in the world.

Its protagonists are Arifa Bseiso (1984, Jordan) Jordanian lightweight boxing champion, one of the protagonists of Nike's campaign to promote women's sports in the Middle East; Farinaz Lari Khanjari (1987, Iran) the first Iranian woman to win a world kickboxing championship, and; boxer Joana Pastrana (1991, Spain) who has just been proclaimed in Madrid on October 5, 2018, for the second time, minimum weight world champion.


Clara Carvajal


