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25 manual carving on woodboards and black ink. 59,4 x 44 cm. each one. Complete artwork, 302 x 215 cm.
25 woodcuts printed on Japanese Okawara paper. Complete artwork, 302 x 215 cm.
A boy with a backpack, an immigrant, stands with his back to the edge of a cloud, looking at the starry space where a Blue Origin space tourism rocket, owned by magnate Jeff Bezos, flies. Below are elements he has encountered along his journey: thistle branches and other plants, birds, winged creatures, and a large land tortoise. A man crouching on the left constructs and arranges the scene. This composition references two important paintings, The Great Metaphysician (1945) by Giorgio De Chirico and Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog (1818) by Caspar David Friedrich.

9 woodcuts printed on Japanese Okawara paper. 181 x 129 cm.



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The Displaced Hive is an altarpiece of 25 pieces carved in wood and stamped on paper that I started during a three-month stay in Weimar (Germany) in the summer of 2021. This project deals with the aspirational need of man in his search for new ends and its overcrowding, and presents three of the ways in which this over-crowding occurs today; the mass tourism of climbers on Mount Everest, which in 2019 came to form a traffic jam at the summit, as Subin Takuri immortalized in his photographs; the new space race between private companies of great tycoons, transporting tourists to outer space for the first time in history, and; the waves of immigrants, who risk their lives trying to reach borders that are as desirable as they are inaccessible.

The chosen form, as an altarpiece of narrative scenes, provides a link with other traditional human escape routes through religion and allows us to develop a mythological iconography around the three chosen themes.


Clara Carvajal


